Because we are family!
Your pet insurance needs
We strongly encourage dogs that socialize to have a health insurance plan!
At Green Acres, we have been working in the pet industry and livestock industry for a very long time. Throughout that time we have seen some very unexpected things happen. Just like with our family or children we want to do the best we can to protect against the expected and the unexpected. When we teach our children to ride a bike we know they will fall and get hurt at some point. Similarly, dogs that socialize at dog parks, daycares, or go on walks down the sidewalk can and likely will at some point will get hurt. Green Acres really doesn't want to see the heartache and stress that can come from that for you. That is why we have pet insurance for our pets and encourage you to do the same thing too.
For as little as $10/mth or the cost of two days of boarding and daycare, you can have that protection. We have searched dozens of different programs but the best we have found with the best price and coverage is Lemonade pet insurance. It is what we use and we strongly encourage you to as well.